phantasize is a supernatural-themed game set in new york city, new york where the supernatural and their mortal kin have been living in relative peace since 2000. while this doesn't go without problem considering a number of factors, some supernatural beings and humans alike less favorable to integrating into each other's lives peacefully, the world is no longer kept in hiding about those beings who live just under their noses.

in general, we expect all members to be kind and welcoming to others, be they existing or prospective members. it should go without saying! please do not cross ooc and ic lines and, in the event trouble arises between members that can't be solved between said members, the moderators are always available to address issues however we can. we are here to help foster a friendly, collaborative and creative environment where members can write their characters and storylines without worry.
joining & activity
currently, the character limit is set at three per writer, but while default, please keep in mind your availability before picking up another character.

while we do wish for members to refrain from long usernames, underscores and unnecessary numbers, journals can be ooc or ic - whatever you see fit to your character! please make sure your friends list is clear and entries like your character’s bio/blurb and spam posts are backdated as to not clutter the friend page.

you are required to have basic information on your character including, but not limited to their name, age (if measurable or “appears as”), species including powers and weaknesses and a small bio/blurb or fact sheet. at this point, we are not requiring full biographies (though you are welcome to write one) and reserve the right to request one in the future.

regarding activity, members are required to post once a month! that’s it! it can be whatever you would like it to be with some effort given. this just means that while we’re okay with single instagram posts or those with high chatter among members, we’d prefer that you don’t use single question or lyric posts to meet activity. we’re easy going, but please make an effort to reply to comments if you do go for a high chatter post.

hiatuses and extensions are always available (and if certain circumstances have arise, just check in and let us know you're still here)!

removals will happen at the end of the month if we haven’t see any activity - comments or otherwise - from a character. beyond the activity requirements, all we ask is that you have your introduction activity (can be anything - an instagram post, narrative, traditional introduction comment, etc.) within 72 hours and to keep your friend list updated. we’re only as active as our members, so please comment others!

we do not use off-site apps like discord, wire, etc. while we cannot stop anyone from using these, activity must be based in journals.
phantasize welcomes all types of supernatural beings and original takes on characters from mythology, folktales, fairytales and classical stories. if you wanted to bring in a psychic vampire versus a traditional blood-drinking vampire or an alternative take like a jiangshi, you’re welcome to, but we do recommend that you reach out to established players to collaborate or troubleshoot any concerns that might be had.

we do not accept characters from contemporary mythology or gods & goddesses, deities or named religious beings, but that doesn’t mean you cannot bring in a character who masqueraded or was thought as said beings nor does it mean you cannot bring in similar original characters (such as a demon who was praised as aphrodite or an avian shifter everyone associated with michael even if that isn't their given name). if you have any questions or concern, please ask!

when joining as a new species, please provide a wikipedia article or some source material for your species type. some members may reserve the right to close species within reason, but alternative species or varitions may exist. again, should you need help, feel free to ask!
businesses members are able to bring in their own businesses. please leave a description of said business in the dropbox and it will be added to the game's business directory.

dating apps at this time, we do not have a dating app for the game as this isn't the primary focus of the game. however, if you would like to introduce an official app for phantasize, feel free to reach out to the moderators with your ideas! any and all help, coding included, would be appreciated!

multiple pbs in certain instances, we may allow members to pick up a second played by for their character. if interested in a second, please leave a comment to the moderators so we can discuss and approve or deny. as this isn't taken advantage of, you may only have one alternative face.

noembed yes, we do allow you to use the noembed code in your userinfo.

plots while moderators will do their part to try and have an overarching plot for the game, members are allowed to run their own plots. if you feel it will be large enough to bring in the game as a whole, please drop a note in the dropbox and we will get you a custom set up to help implement it. parties, social gatherings, etc. do not need to be cleared with the moderators, but please keep in mind other activities going on before you set a date. (we will implement a calendar soon!)